Saturday, October 3, 2015

Responce to "The Money Spent Selling Sugar to Americans is Staggering."

           I think deep down I knew that a lot of money was spent on advertisements for food but when you see the actual numbers its disgusting. As the article briefly mentions there are other more important things that money could be used for. As awful as that is I think the bigger issue is the diet choices of Americans. So many Americans are over weight and its because all they can buy is unhealthy food. Reading these article makes me ashamed to be a member of this culture. I try to eat healthy but it never lasts long. Its hard when most of the food thats out there is bad for you. This article has a much bigger impact on me because I'm at college. I'm the one who is choosing what to eat so I have to be aware of this stuff.
          I found it interesting and kind of sad about how many people don't know what "real" food tastes like. I wonder how a freshly made salad would taste compared to the stuff at the dinning halls.
         This article makes me want to eat better but also exercise more.

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